Model 790/012: Fee to Pay for the Fingerprints When Getting Your TIE

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model 790 fee for fingerprints

Many foreigners who want to start living in Spain have doubts about this important part of the process. What is the fee you need to pay to get the fingerprints? Where is the 790/012 model presented, and how? But now, doubts are over. In this article we will answer the most frequently asked questions about the fingerprints in the process to get your residence card.

The immigration process to get the Spanish residency and establish yourself legally in the country has several phases. The first one being obtaining the visa in your country of origin.

With this visa (passport stamp) you can travel and enter the Spanish territory. Then, one of the first procedures once you are in the country will be to get your residence card.

This card is called TIE (not to be confused with the NIE, which is the foreigner identification number you will receive when entering Spain). It is a plastic that contains your NIE and the type of residency you hold.

One of the fundamental steps to finally receive this residence card or TIE is the registration of your fingerprints

But, in addition, you will have to pay a fee, whose monetary amount will depend on your specific type of residence.

In this article we will explain everything you need to know about this part of the process.

Which is the fee you need to pay in order to get your fingerprints taken?

The fee to be paid is the 790 fee. But this fee has three different models: 006, 012 and 026. In the case of the fingerprints to obtain the TIE, the model you need to use is the 012.

Since issuing a foreigner’s identification card is the responsibility of the police, that fee will be filled out and downloaded on their website.

You can find the model 790/012 and download it in pdf here.

Why do you need the model 790/012?

As we have just mentioned, the payment of the 790/012 fee is essential in order to take your fingerprints.

That is, it is the mandatory step that you must follow as a foreigner to get your TIE or residence card.

More precisely, what exactly is this fee for and in what processes will they ask you to pay it?

You can learn more about the remaining fees and access their links (038, 052, 062) here.


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How much does it cost? The exact amount according to your residency type

Once you start filling out the form to make the payment for the 790/012  fee, you will automatically see (at the bottom of the page) exactly how much you will have to pay.

However, here you will find a brief summary.

To renew the temporary work residence or to extend a stay for study purposes, the price is € 18.92.

In order to apply for your initial residency card (you have just arrived in Spain), roots procedures and student visas, the price is € 15.75.

The fee to be paid for long-term residency and long-term EU permits is € 21.44.

In the case of the card as a family member of an EU citizen, the price is just € 12.00.

And finally, for the authorization to come back you must pay an amount equal to € 10.50.

Where should you pay the 790 fee?

Paying this fee for the fingerprints is completely simple. In addition, you have different options to do it, so finding an option that works for you is easy. 

You can make the payment at any bank, cooperative or savings bank.

You will simply download the fee model; which you will previously fill out online (using the link we gave you above), sign it, and take it to any bank to realize the outlay.

There, they will give you a receipt confirming that you have paid the corresponding amount.

Can I pay online?

No, it is not possible to pay the fingerprints fee online.

You must go in person to a bank or any of the other credit institutions allowed to make the payment.

Nevertheless, if you are to pay any of the 052 or 062 fees, that can be done completely online.

In which bank do I need to pay?

In that sense, there is no specific bank to make the payment: all of them will be valid.

Also, keep in mind that in some banks you can make the payment directly at the ATM, without the need to enter their offices.

What can I do if I paid a wrong amount or wrong fee?

If that is your case, don’t worry: there is an online process for claiming a refund of the incorrectly paid immigration fees, which you can do completely online and which would allow you to get your money back.

Where should I submit this fee? Step by Step Process

You have two different options to present the paid fee: the immigration office and the police station.

We always refer to the immigration office that corresponds to you according to your address:

Keep in mind that in most cases (especially if you live in cities like Barcelona or Madrid), you must get an appointment beforehand.

Once you go to your appointment, keep in mind that you must provide the following documents:

  • Form EX-17, corresponding to the TIE application
  • Model 790-012 with the corresponding payment receipt
  • Your passport (original) and copy of it
  • The positive resolution in case you are getting an initial residence authorization
  • Census (“empadronamiento”)

Thus, by the day of your appointment, you must have filled out the online form 790 that we have attached above. Once filled, you must print it. And with that document, you can realize the corresponding payment.

If you need help throughout the legal procedure, do not hesitate to get started with us. Our team of immigration lawyers will be happy to help you out.

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model 790 fee for fingerprints

International Immigration Lawyers

Immigration Spain is a leading firm specializing in immigration law in Spain, with over 40 years of experience assisting individuals from more than 55 different nationalities in their immigration processes. With a team of highly specialized immigration lawyers, the firm provides expert advice and support on residency, citizenship, work permits, and family reunification, among other services. Its commitment to staying up-to-date with legislative changes and focusing on each client’s unique needs makes Immigration Spain a trusted reference in the field of immigration in Spain.

2 Replies to “Model 790/012: Fee to Pay for the Fingerprints When Getting Your TIE”

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