New Deadline for the Spanish Citizenship for Sephardic Jews

Immigration Lawyers Spain » blog-en » New Deadline for the Spanish Citizenship for Sephardic Jews
new deadlines sephardic citizenship

There is no denying that many Sephardic Jews have been taking advantage of the law that enables them to get Spanish Citizenship really easily. And that without renouncing to their original nationality!

The initial deadline to submit all the applications was extended an additional year, till the 1st of October of 2019. And the truth is that we are really close to that day. 

Besides, everyone waits until the end. And that puts pressure on the different bureaucratic institutions in charge of emitting the required documents. 

Hence, many Sephards won’t be able to get them before that deadline

And that is what is causing many to suffer: will I make it on time? 

In this article we will talk about the latest news from the Spanish Ministry of Justice. We hope we will shed some light, as this could be really good news. 

We will explain to you how to enjoy a successful application even if you are missing some documents. Are you ready?

The situation is really simple to understand. 

As you may know, two of the main requirements to get Spanish citizenship as a Sephardic Jew are:

  • Passing two exams, the DELE A2 and the CCSE
  • Obtaining a certificate from the Federation of Jewish communities accrediting that you have Sephardic origins

The problem is that many Sephardic Jews initiated all the required steps during the prior months before the deadline. 

This has caused two problems, both due to the considerable increase of applicants in a short period of time. 

Those who were trying to book their spot to take the corresponding exams at the Instituto Cervantes, simply couldn’t. Why? Because there were not exam dates spots to take the test on time

Furthermore, neither the Federation of Jewish Communities was able to hand in the certificate before the 1st of October, a document that should be included for a successful application. 

Hence, many applicants are really worried. 

Have I really lost my chance to get Spanish citizenship by this special type of descent


you can still submit your application!

Hope should never be lost. And this is a perfect example of it. 

Even though you are lacking both crucial requirements: the exams and the origin certificate; you can still make it on time. 

The Spanish Ministry of Justice sent a circular note expressing how missing those two elements wouldn’t be a problem, provided that certain conditions are met.


That is not changing. 

The final deadline to submit your application is the 1st of October. 

So no matter if you are missing any of the documents or requirements, our advice is to send your application with whatever you have at the moment

As we will just see, the remaining documents can be sent later on. But it is crucial that the Immigration Office has your case file before the deadline. 

Let’s see how can you actually solve the lack of any given document. 

Because, according to the Ministry of Justice, you will have an additional year to send what’s missing. 


In case you did not have a chance to take the DELE A2 exam or the CSSE on time, you can still submit your application. 

Then, as long as you can demonstrate that you have signed up for the exams, your application will get accepted

Bear in mind that the Cervantes Institute opened new spots on the 9th of September for 2020. 

Once you pass the exams you will have 3 months to send the results to the Immigration Office, finally solving this issue. 


What happens if you requested your origin certificate to the President of the Jewish Communities in Spain, but it is still under study? 

Again, no problem. You can send your application. 

But, in this case, you must include an additional document

This document simply demonstrates how your certificate is being prepared/under study, and you can download it here.


And what happens if you have both the required exams passed and the origin certificate, but any other of the required documents are missing?

Can you still make it on time?

Good news: yes, you can!

You must send your Sephardic Jew application, and within a 3-month timeframe must make sure to submit all the remaining documents.

can we help you out?

Unfortunately, we are not accepting any additional application for Sephardic Citizenship, as the deadline is really close. 

Nevertheless, there are several alternatives, in case you won’t make it in time either way. 

You can also get your Citizenship in Portugal, and will have enough time to do it. 

That is why, if you would like to easily get a European Passport due to your Sephardic Origins, do not hesitate to contact us. 

We will help you out!

Get in touch with our lawyers and let us guide you step by step:

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