Spanish Nationality Fee: How Much You Must Pay and How

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spanish nationality fee

If you are going to apply for Spanish citizenship, keep on reading. In this post you will find out the exact fee you will have to pay, how much that tax is, the different payment options, and the answers to other very frequent doubts that will undoubtedly help you out in the process.

Applying for Spanish nationality by residence implies fulfilling a series of requirements.

Demonstrating continuous residence without extra absences than those allowed, not having criminal records, having lived in the country legally with a residence permit,…

These are some of the fundamental requirements, but there is one that is just as important and that you must comply with if you want your application to be processed successfully: the payment of the corresponding nationality fee.

In this case, we are referring to form 790, and you can download it from the Ministry of Justice website under the “tasas” section.

It is important to note that this is a completely different fee from the ones you will pay when taking the CCSE or DELE exams (if applicable in your particular case).

To find out how to pay this fee, read on. Below we are going to explain the 2 different options available you currently have.

But if you have any questions, ask us here. Our immigration lawyers will help you out:

What happens if I don't pay this tax?

Very simple: the Ministry of Justice will not accept your application and will not start processing your file.

Therefore, as you can see, it is 100% mandatory to make this payment if you want to obtain the nationality in Spain.

However, if you submit your application without attaching proof of payment of this required tax, the administration will initiate a request for payment afterwards.

But this would only slow the process down substantially.

How much is it?

Both in the case of applying for Spanish nationality by residence and in the case of nationality as a Sephardic descendant, the amount is exactly the same:  104.05 (something we have seen in our updated 2022 immigration fees article).

However, keep in mind that the costs of these types of fees vary frequently (usually every year), and especially with the approval of the new general state budgets.

Although the increase is usually an amount close to €1 per year, make sure to check the exact amount at the time of your application.

But let’s now solve a very frequent doubt that many foreigners have.

If the cost of the fee goes up once my file is being processed, should I pay the difference?

The answer is no. The amount you will have to pay is the amount existing at the time of the application.

Once your file has been submitted and accepted for processing, you will not have to pay any extra fee.

How to pay the nationality fee

There are currently two different ways to pay the nationality by residence fee:

Pay online

The first option, and probably the most convenient one, is to make the payment completely online through the electronic office of the Ministry of Justice; payment that will be made to the Spanish Tax Agency.

Bear in mind that you will need a digital certificate or any other official online ID to formalize this payment.

Pay in person

On the other hand, you can also make the payment physically and upload the receipt afterwards.

To do so, you will have to download the corresponding form (form 790-Code 026) and attend any associated bank to formalize the payment.

After paying the specific amount, the bank will give you a copy of the form stating that is already “paid“.

This document will be the accreditation that you will have to upload together with the rest of the documentation in the application and that will verify that you have paid.

Once I have paid this fee... Is there any other tax?

Unfortunately, it is likely that you will still have to pay certain extra costs associated with your application.

On the one hand, you will have to pay for the nationality exams (which in the case of being from a Latin American country would only be the cultural exam).

On the other hand, there are the costs of uploading and submitting all the documentation through the online platform.

And finally, in case for example your application takes longer than usual or you have been denied for a reason you don’t fully agree with, you can initiate an appeal; a process that also has a cost associated with it.

If you would like to know exactly how much would all these costs sum up and our prices for managing the Spanish nationality application for you, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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International Immigration Lawyers

Immigration Spain is a leading firm specializing in immigration law in Spain, with over 40 years of experience assisting individuals from more than 55 different nationalities in their immigration processes. With a team of highly specialized immigration lawyers, the firm provides expert advice and support on residency, citizenship, work permits, and family reunification, among other services. Its commitment to staying up-to-date with legislative changes and focusing on each client’s unique needs makes Immigration Spain a trusted reference in the field of immigration in Spain.

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