The most important requirement to obtain the study arraigo is to commit to starting a course that will enable you to practice a specific profession. Thus, not all courses are valid, and choosing the right one for you will be essential to successfully its application procedure.
In this article we analyze exactly which courses are valid for the arraigo for studies, the requirements they must meet, and direct links to complete listings so that you can find your course quickly.
ToggleThe importance of the course for this type of arraigo
The training arraigo figure residency was created in Spain in order to qualify foreigners under an irregular situation so that they can start exercising a technical career in the country.
In other words, this residence permit is granted so that the foreigner can acquire all the necessary knowledge and skills to be able to fill a job position that actually requires those specific skills.
To ensure that the foreigner will end up working in a technical job, the training she chooses must expressly enable her to do so.
Thus, the course or training becomes the most important and key requirement for this application, and that is why it is the issue that is generating the most doubts.
What requirements must my training meet? Are all courses valid? How do I find courses?
The most important thing is to understand that NOT all courses are valid, and in order for them to be, they must meet a series of fundamental requirements.
But in addition to those requirements (which we will now see), the course you sign up for must lead to a certificate of professionalism or a certificate of technical aptitude.
You can find out more about these certificates here.
So, how can you make sure that your course is valid?
At the end of this post you can find direct links to listings with valid courses according to your location, but let’s look at the general requirements first.
But remember that you can also ask our immigration lawyers any question here:
Requirements the course must meet
The course must start within the next 3 months
What’s next is the list of requirements that all the courses valid for the “arraigo para la formación” must comply with.
The first requirement you must make sure you can meet is that you will be able to start the course within 3 months after you have obtained your training permit.
After obtaining this arraigo, you must prove that you have started the course, so you must choose one that allows you to do so within this period.
But, in addition (and this is key), courses already started would not be valid for your application.
Courses must be in-person or a hybrid of in-person and online
Originally, this arraigo for studies could only be done fully in-person. However, they have modified the legal text to make it more flexible, and now courses that are a hybrid of in-person and online are also allowed.
Fully online courses are not permitted due to two main reasons:
- Firstly, to ensure that the foreigner is indeed dedicated exclusively to studying, and does not work in parallel
- And, on the other hand, to prevent the applicant from traveling to her country of origin (or outside Spain) and completing his or her training there
Minimum and maximum duration
What are the minimum and maximum durations your course can have?
On the one hand, Spanish law does not establish any minimum duration.
Therefore, any course you find within the 5 groups of available training courses that we will see below will be valid, no matter how short it is.
However, there is a maximum of 2 years.
Career opportunities
Although we often focus on the course as a final goal to achieve this type of arraigo, we must also look beyond.
One of the advantages of the arraigo for studies is that it allows the foreigner to apply for a work permit upon completion of their studies.
However, she will only be eligible for a work permit if she gets a job offer directly related to the studies she has completed during the 12-24 months of the arraigo for training.
That is why, before choosing a specific course, we must also think about the job potential and the career opportunities that the training will offer.
It is ideal to think about what kind of workers Spain needs right now, what professions have the greatest future potential, growth projection, and where we can grow more career-wise.
For example, commerce and hospitality are two sectors with a high demand for new workers, and with great potential for the future.
Obtaining a valid certificate
Finally, the training must enable and be necessary to exercise a specific occupation.
Thus, it is essential that the course you take, whatever it is, leads to obtaining an an official certification of professional qualifications that is within the National Catalog of Professional Qualifications.
The 5 types of valid studies
When you fill in and complete your application, you must select and include a course that is in one of the 5 established assumptions.
And you will do it through the model of responsible declaration that you can download here.
These 5 groups of valid training courses are:
Regulated Vocational Training
Training leading to technical aptitude certification or professional qualification
The second category is for training that is necessary for the exercise of a specific occupation.
Some examples include, training to obtain the Certificate of Professional Aptitude for driving land transport vehicles, training to qualify as railway personnel, and training to become a tower crane operator.
In the case of these courses, the training must be provided by an authorized center within the competent department.
Training promoted by the Public Employment Services (SEPE)
The next group is made up of courses that are promoted by the government itself.
This training must be included in the catalog of training activities, and must be given by entities registered in the State Register of Training Entities.
The procedure to enroll and apply for any of these courses works as follows:
- Applicants must register for pre-employment services at the Public Employment Services
- The applicant gets an N.I.E. and the training is authorized
- The course structure and program is published and scheduled so that the applicant may begin
With the launch of this special type of arraigo, there was a minimum of 200 hours necessary for this course. However, it is now possible to take service courses that last less than 200 hours.
Official Master’s Degrees
Master degrees are another type of courses valid to obtain a training arraigo.
Aside from official master’s degrees, this also includes university continuing education courses.
But what are these courses exactly?
Continuing education refers to programs that aim to develop or update knowledge and skills in a specific professional field.
For example, if you’re a software developer, you could update your skills by taking a course about a new programming language.
These micro-courses are short-term and for all educational levels. They must have an accreditation that consistently guarantees among the EU Member States their quality, transparency, cross-border comparability, recognition and portability.
Find your course here (listings)
Within the group of professional training courses (group 1 in the previous section), you can find the valid courses in the State Register of Non-University Teaching Centers (RCD), which divides the training courses by Autonomous Communities.
Click here to access this register
On the other hand, the SEPE portal also offers a search engine that will allow you to find certificates of professionalism by specialty or by professional occupation.
You can access the search engine here
Basically, we are talking about the eligible professional families are:
- Physical and Sports Activities
- Administration and Management
- Agrarian
- Graphic Arts
- Commerce and Marketing
- Building and Civil Works
- Electricity and Electronics
- Mechanical Manufacturing
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Personal Image
- Image and Sound
- Food Industries
- Extractive Industries
- Installation and Maintenance
- Wood, Furniture, and Cork
- Maritime and Fishing
- Chemical
- Health
- Safety and Environment
- Textile, Apparel and Leather
- Transport and vehicle maintenance
- Glass and Ceramics
Can I change my course under arraigo para la formación?
Yes, you can change your course under arraigo para la formación. However, keep in mind that there are two situations when changing courses, either the two courses are in the same professional family, or they aren’t.
You can change your course without notifying the Immigration Office, only if your new course is from the same professional family. If it’s part of a different one, however, you will need to have this change approved.
If you still have any doubts about your application or would like our team of lawyers to manage everything for you, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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